Dear God

A blonde finds herself in serious money trouble… Lost her job and she’s in dire financial straits.She’s desperate so she decides to ask God for help. She begins to pray… “God, please help me. I’ve lost my job and if I don’t get some money, I’m going to lose my house as well. Please letContinue reading “Dear God”

But Wait, There’s More! If You Act Now…

Podcast available at:–Theres-More–If-You-Act-Now-e18kion Romans 5:1-11 – Week Six It’s hard to imagine a world without Amazon and other ways of shopping online.  Our children and grandchildren can’t comprehend a time when a person couldn’t just find and buy whatever they wanted with a few clicks. Before we had access to online shopping, we hadContinue reading “But Wait, There’s More! If You Act Now…”