Not Your Ordinary Granny

2 Kings 12 – Week Eleven “A grandmother is a remarkable woman. She’s a wonderful combination of warmth and kindness, laughter, and love. She overlooks our faults, encourages our dreams, and praises our every success.” – Anonymous Hopefully, all of us have or had at least one grandmother that would fit that description.  Grandmothers, generallyContinue reading “Not Your Ordinary Granny”

Creation, Take Two

Genesis 9:1-17 – Week Ten Do you have any regrets?  I can’t imagine that you wouldn’t.  It’s part of life.  We regret all sorts of things.  Smoking a cigarette for the first time not realizing it would become a bad habit.  Dropping out of college to get married.  Marrying the wrong person.  Not spending timeContinue reading “Creation, Take Two”