Oh Yeah! I Forgot That I Knew That!

2 Kings 22 – Week Twelve I’ve had a driver’s license for 40 years and it’s been 40 years since I’ve read the manual on driving laws.  I recently took a defensive driver course to save a bit on our auto insurance and I was quite surprised at the things I learned and the thingsContinue reading “Oh Yeah! I Forgot That I Knew That!”

Making the Ordinary Extraordinary

1 Kings 18 – Week Seven Think back to elementary school.  Do you recall having days when the other kids in your class just wouldn’t behave?  Wouldn’t stop talking?  The teacher would give out warnings, make threats, etc. to get everyone to do what was right.  But, instead, the rambunctiousness kept growing and you couldContinue reading “Making the Ordinary Extraordinary”

Creation, Take Two

Genesis 9:1-17 – Week Ten Do you have any regrets?  I can’t imagine that you wouldn’t.  It’s part of life.  We regret all sorts of things.  Smoking a cigarette for the first time not realizing it would become a bad habit.  Dropping out of college to get married.  Marrying the wrong person.  Not spending timeContinue reading “Creation, Take Two”

Are You Living Like Tarzan?

Week Three – Romans 3:1-20 Honesty time.  Anyone ever cheat on a test?  How did you do it?  Did you write every bit of information you thought might be on the test on the palm of your hand?  Did you do the “drop your pencil” and glance at your neighbor’s paper?  Or did you doContinue reading “Are You Living Like Tarzan?”