Helloooooo? Are You There? Podcast available at: https://anchor.fm/diane-simcox/episodes/Helloooooooo—Are-You-There-e1am20i Romans 8 part 3 Last week, we covered the last half of Romans 8 as a whole.  Our Scripture included the familiar Romans 8:28 – β€œAll things work together for good for those who love God and who are called according to His purpose.”  We discussed theContinue reading

Rerouting to the “Buts”

Podcast available at: https://anchor.fm/diane-simcox/episodes/Rerouting-to-the-Buts-e1aaili Romans 8:18-39 – Week Ten I was driving home from having dinner with my sister and a friend a little more than a week ago.  Normally I would have left the restaurant, hit I-75, and headed straight to my home.  As I was leaving the restaurant, blinking blue and red lightsContinue reading “Rerouting to the “Buts””