Are You Stuck in a Saturday Mood?

When we think of Easter, what comes to mind? Crucifixion Cross Resurrection Easter Bunny Easter eggs Hunting for Easter eggs New outfits Spring The idea of Easter conjures up a variety of themes as well as ways to celebrate it. Thursday Growing up in the Methodist Church, we began observing the Easter season on ThursdayContinue reading “Are You Stuck in a Saturday Mood?”

Get Your Nerd Glasses Ready

Podcast available at: Genesis 1 – Week Two I always liked watching the show Bewitched.  As a child, I thought it was amazing that Samantha, the good witch who was the star of the show, could make something appear out of nowhere just by twitching her nose.  Admit it.  If you watched the show,Continue reading “Get Your Nerd Glasses Ready”

Poodle-Ma-Doodles (I Couldn’t Resist)

Psalm 91 – Week Three of Psalms Do you ever stop to think of the many items we use on a daily basis as means of protection? Seatbelts, sunscreen, bandaids, deodorant, umbrellas, shoes, gloves, coats, hats, sunglasses, toothpaste, vitamins, deadbolt locks, headlights, face masks, oven mitts, bath mats, blankets, computer virus detectors, caller ID, peepholesContinue reading “Poodle-Ma-Doodles (I Couldn’t Resist)”

Rerouting to the “Buts”

Podcast available at: Romans 8:18-39 – Week Ten I was driving home from having dinner with my sister and a friend a little more than a week ago.  Normally I would have left the restaurant, hit I-75, and headed straight to my home.  As I was leaving the restaurant, blinking blue and red lightsContinue reading “Rerouting to the “Buts””