Creation, Take Two

Genesis 9:1-17 – Week Ten Do you have any regrets?  I can’t imagine that you wouldn’t.  It’s part of life.  We regret all sorts of things.  Smoking a cigarette for the first time not realizing it would become a bad habit.  Dropping out of college to get married.  Marrying the wrong person.  Not spending timeContinue reading “Creation, Take Two”

Underneath the Surface

Genesis 8 – Week 9 Genesis 7:17-23 MSG ”The flood continued forty days and the waters rose and lifted the ship high over the Earth. The waters kept rising, the flood deepened on the Earth, the ship floated on the surface. The flood got worse until all the highest mountains were covered—the high-water mark reachedContinue reading “Underneath the Surface”

There’s No Backdoor

Genesis 6 & 7 – Week Eight In New York “Handyman David Bonola arrested in case of murdered Queens mother stabbed more than 55 times”.  “Catholic diocese in New Jersey reaches $87.5M settlement with hundreds of sexual abuse victims” “Florida bride and caterer charged with lacing wedding food with cannabis” “Judge orders US Bureau ofContinue reading “There’s No Backdoor”

First Sister Wives

Genesis 4:25 – 5 – Week Seven Last week, we witnessed the first murder.  Cain, the firstborn of Adam and Eve, just  one generation from the introduction of sin, murders his own brother.  And, as a result, he is sent away from the presence of God and goes to the land of Nod, east ofContinue reading “First Sister Wives”

Raising Cain

Genesis 4:1-24 – Week Six Last week, in the 3rd chapter of Genesis, a whole lot happened.  Eve had a little chit-chat with a snake. The snake misquoted God.  Eve misquoted God.  Eve sees something that looks good, pleasant, and desirable and eats it even though she’s been told not to.  She shares with Adam. Continue reading “Raising Cain”

Listen to Denzel

Podcast available at: Genesis 3 – Week Five When you think of Adam and Eve, what is the first word that comes to mind? Perhaps it would be man, woman, garden, human, creation.  It wouldn’t be long before the words sin, disobedience, fall, hiding, naked, afraid, and forbidden would be mentioned. Do you findContinue reading “Listen to Denzel”

All Heaven and Nature Sing

Genesis – Week Four What is your favorite flower?  I would expect to hear hydrangea, daisy, rose, sunflower.  I would be surprised if anyone said dandelion.  Most people don’t consider dandelions to be flowers, but they are.  In fact, they’re part of the daisy family. They aren’t weeds.  Dandelions have been around for a veryContinue reading “All Heaven and Nature Sing”

Get Your Nerd Glasses Ready

Podcast available at: Genesis 1 – Week Two I always liked watching the show Bewitched.  As a child, I thought it was amazing that Samantha, the good witch who was the star of the show, could make something appear out of nowhere just by twitching her nose.  Admit it.  If you watched the show,Continue reading “Get Your Nerd Glasses Ready”

The Prequel to the Beginning

Genesis – Week One Podcast available at: Where were you on May 25, 1977?  I can not only tell you where I was, but I can also tell you what I was wearing; at least partially. I was wearing off-white painter pants and a brown tie-dyed shirt with the Star Wars movie poster onContinue reading “The Prequel to the Beginning”